Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Trinity Network Diagram

This Tuesday, our CSCI 1300 Class went for a tour of the Trinity Server Room. The tour was very interesting and informative. Above is the diagram I created to illustrate the Trinity Server, and how information is passed to and from various locations on and off campus.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Top Tech Tip

Mr. Hatch's lecture was extremely informative, and taught me many new features and safety precautions for my computer. I thought the best tip that he gave was downloading ccleaner. This program sounded very interesting and useful. I looked the product up after class and found that it not only clears the History and Recycle Bin of a computer, but also cookies, unused programs, and temporary files. I will definitely use ccleaner, as it allows a computer to operate faster.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


My name is Abigail Talley, but I prefer to be called "Abby." I am from San Antonio, Texas, and have one sibling, an older sister named Samantha. I also have a 13-year-old dachshund named Gretchen, who is a vital part of our family. Gretchen might be the only dachshund in the world who not only gets a daily walk, but also a daily ride in the car!
When I am not acting as my dog's chaffeur, I enjoy acting, dancing, shopping, and watching horror movies. I attended ballet classes for thirteen years, and was a cheerleader for two years. Additionally, I have learned to play the violin, guitar, and piano (though not particularly well.) I also love to do volunteer work. My three favorite volunteer experiences so far have been working in the Recovery room of a hospital, walking dogs for the Humane Society, and mentoring.
Though I love horror movies, I can not stand to watch any that involve clowns. My secret fact is that my biggest fear is clowns. I think this might be due to the fact that I watched the movie "It" at a very young age.
I do not possess any particulary special computer skills, but I have become comfortable with making graphs in Excel, and with Microsoft Word. I'm looking forward to learning a lot more about these and other programs during the course!